ADF Help


Small Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Hi, I setup a new 6 gal Eclipse tank over the weekend and put in 2 African Dwarf Frogs. They dont seem to be eating. I give them thawed blood worms, but they show zero interest. The bloodworms ended up fooling up and make my water cloudy.

I called my LFS to see what they were feeding them, and they said Bloodworms. Im not sure if the guys are just stressed out right now, or what.

Also, what is a good substate for them. I went with a larger size gravel so it wasnt sharp and rough for there bellys, but now it seems as if the food can fall in the nocks.

Anybody have any suggestions? Should I try sinking pellets?

Thanks in Advance....


Superstar Fish
Sandy substrates are ideal for frogs. A very small bag of playsand (big bags are still only like 4$) would more than take care of that little tank.

I would give them a day or two to become acclimated. They may very well be stressed. Also, use a pair of tweezers (long are best) or a turkey baster to feed the frogs the worms one or two at a time. They will not foul the water and it will ensure that they get the food they require. Frogs are often underweight because we assume they are eating enough when they are not...this is particularly a problem when fish are tankmates; they eat the food before the frogs.

Please read this if you haven't already, its an article I wrote on ADFs:

BTW - Love your av:)


Small Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Ok thanks for the quick info. Im actually gonna switch out the gravel and try sand this time. Never tried it so that will be a nice change.

I tried dangling a few bloodworms in front of the ADF frogs and they didnt even budge. I had the worms sitting right smack agaist there nose and they didnt even flinch.

SO something must be astray. Either there stressed out, or sick.

Im used to fish atacking the food as soon as it hits the water.


Small Fish
Apr 23, 2005

Hi, Well Its been 4 days since I purchased my ADF Frogs. They still refude to eat. I used tweezers to hand some Bloodworms right up agaist there nose, and they shows 0 interest. I put in a few shrimp pellets, they havnty been touched either. Only thing I can think of is there sick.

Any Suggestions? Pet store said they feed them Bloodworms, one girl from LFS said she has them in her tank and she doesnt feed them, they are scavangers. I dont buy this.


Superstar Fish
They are certainly not scavengers and it is wise of you to be skeptacle of thinking that;)

That said, try this: Use the bloodorms you've been trying, but before feeding them, soak them in garlic juice. Most people have some of those jars of minced garlic on hand to use for cooking. Just take out a bit of the juice/oil and put it with the worms. It's an appetite enhancer. It may coax them into it.

Do not worry yet. Frogs can go a long time without eating. Were they emaciated/skinny when you bought them or do they look okay? (most petstores don't feed them....ever.)

Keep trying. It's the best you can do.