ADF not eating

My ADF isn't eating, me and my mom think that she is still stressed out from when we got her. I don't know what to do... I've tried catching her in the fish net, then trying to feed her with tweezers while she was in there, but she just ignores the food.

Please help.

Jan 20, 2006
I have felt your pain with that situation. I had the pellets also. The problem with them a lot is the pellets fall between the gravel. I have learned and will not feed them anything else now but Frozen blood worms is the only thing they eat and they eat it all. I buy the cubed frozen blood worms and then I cut it up too much to give the whole thing. I stick the section I am going to give them in a dixie cup and then get a little water from the tank with a turkey baster to thaw them then I suck it up with the turkey baster and put it right in front of them. It is like thanksgiving dinner for them. You should try it out. The freeze dried only float on the top the frozen are more heartyer and sink to the bottom but the baster helps a ton. It goes right to the bottom and does not float around as much due to the filter.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Another problem to is that the fish in your tank wil generally get to the worms first. I have never had a ADF that would eat the frog bites. You can also try the Variety Wafers made by Tetra. They last a little longer on the bottom and give the frogs a chance to get to them. My ADFs (when I had them) ate those every couple of days. And before long they were going crazy at the smell of food. Good Luck!!