Dec 23, 2005
I plan on adding one ADF to my tank and I've read that they are hard to feed. I have a question if this food is okay to feed him: Tetra BabyShrimp sun dried gammarus. Is this okay to feed the ADF? I saw one at my lfs and he is around 1inch. Hes so cute! So would this food be okay to feed him as I read that frozen foods can bloat and kill frogs.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Wow, where did you read that? online? cuz that's all my froggies will eat-- thawed frozen foods. They won't touch dried foods, I think because they can't smell them; they're practically blind, it seems. Do you think they meant that it will kill them if you feed it to them still frozen?? I've had mine for at least a couple of months and they're both still alive. The one that feeds better is bigger than the other, but I think the smaller one may be very slightly deformed-- she holds her head back at a slight angle. They get frozen foods all the time.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I think you misread the information, it says freeze dried foods can cause bloat. Freeze-dried foods are made by dessicating (drying out) the foods, and they're the kinds of foods you find on the shelf in the pet store (not in the freezer). This is similar to the sun-dried food you have. I don't think it's a good idea to use it for your ADF.

Frozen bloodworms are the food most often recommended for ADFs.

Dec 23, 2005
Would it be okay to add 2 ADF's? I just read they like to have a buddy and that they only get up to 1.5 inches. I don't think it would add that much to the bio-load so could I add 2?

I also know how to tell them from a clawed frog. The ADF has all feet webbed and the clawed only has his hind legs webbed. Ever sinced we dissected frogs in science, I've wanted an ADF:D

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i get mine for $5 a pack, at petsmart. it comes with 24 cubes. i feed 3 male bettas, 4 female bettas, 1 adf, 1 acf (i didnt name him fat b****** for nothing), some to my crays as treats, and some to my goldie as treats, and i cant forget... 4 dwarf puffers. all of them andthats onle 1/2-3/4 of 1 cube!!! in my opinion, its an excelent deal. i have had the same package of bloodworms for a couple of months now.

Edit: foot to mention, theyre frozen.