ADF's and feeding.

I read the FAQ but maybe I missed the actual how much to feed and how often.

I have to fish her out of the tank because I do not have long tweezers yet but when I feed her, she will take about five blood worms (which I soak in water or an hour before feeding).

Will those 5 worms be good for her over the next few days. Being a Flight Attendant I am away from home for days at a time. I have a friend who's ADF will eat flakes and the like from the bottom. I'm not sure if mine does.

She looks healthly and growing well.

I just don't want to have a little creature that I end up killing because I don't have a good schedule to feed with.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I've bought those tweezers from Drs Foster and Smith in the past. They have them in the LFS sometimes, too. There may also be other long handled tongs at the LFS that you could buy.

Another solution is to use a turkey baster to put the worms next to the frog, unless you have fish that snatch them from in front of him.

ADFs can be pretty slow to catch on that there's food right in front of them. I think they have pretty poor eyesight, and go more by the taste in the water.

Poor eyesight is a big thing with them. I have had a bloodworm in front of here for 10 minutes once before she snagged it. She also seems to take about 10 minutes to eat one worm sometimes depending on size.

Dr. Foster & Smith a medical store? I'll check out the LFS for some long ones now that I have a little spare cash. I would try the turkey baster but bloodworms seem to still float after an hour of soaking.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Wind_Danzer said:
I would try the turkey baster but bloodworms seem to still float after an hour of soaking.
Are you using freeze-dried bloodworms?
If so, I can see how you're finding it difficult to get them to sink!

Frozen bloodworms would be far better, IMO, and they sink right away. ;)