Adult Angel Fish and Guppies?

Hi everyone,

Just wondering, has anyone ever had an adult Angel Fish get along happily - without aggression of any kind - with Guppies? Just I bought a baby Angel Fish some months ago, he's grown a little and I love him to bits as he's always trying to get your attention, but he seems to be protecting the front of the tank lately, from my female Fighting Fish and female Platy by chasing them away for a moment and in the near future, I'm planning on getting Guppies. I don't want to sell him, but I also don't think I can setup another tank either, nor get a bigger one. . . It's kind of a sticky situation I'm in. . . He's currently in a 20 litre tank which seems to be okay for just the three of them for now and soon I'll be moving them into my 34 litre tank, which I'm guessing would help him grow all the more.

Just wanted to hear some people's experiences. I've only ever had them in with large goldfish before, years ago, which, now looking back on it, surprisingly worked out great. Also, what other fish can you put with Angel Fish if it comes to having to buy another tank for him?


Oct 17, 2012
I have an angelfish too, and its also a baby. In my thirty gallon tank I have an angelfish, a kissing gourami, a blue gourami, 4 tiger barbs, and a red tailed shark. Remember, angel fish are semiaggressive like the other fish in my tank, so you should also get semiagressive fish.

Apr 27, 2012
Lexington, KY
hi. i've had a few full grown angels. Sorry to say it but i doubt your 34 liter tank will hold them long. 34 liters being roughly 9 gallons. Angel fish need a tank with a lot of height to keep them comfortable. Although the tank you have would be fine for growing out for a little while, if you plan on keeping these fish forever you will need to upgrade.

Now as far as keeping them with guppies, i see no harm in that. I kept mine in a community tank with pleco's, silver dollars, kinfes, rocket gar, gouramis, along with platty's guppies and barbs. As long as i kept everyone fed and happy they never really gave the smaller inhabitants any trouble. The angels will however chase them around briefly. But this was also in a much larger tank(110 gallon). I would go with at least a 30 gallon tall tank for the near future. The more space your semi-agressive fish have, the less agressive they will be towards your other fish.

Good luck

I have an angelfish too, and its also a baby. In my thirty gallon tank I have an angelfish, a kissing gourami, a blue gourami, 4 tiger barbs, and a red tailed shark. Remember, angel fish are semiaggressive like the other fish in my tank, so you should also get semiagressive fish.
Alright thanks for that. Your tank sound really cool, by the way. I love red tailed sharks.

hi. i've had a few full grown angels. Sorry to say it but i doubt your 34 liter tank will hold them long. 34 liters being roughly 9 gallons. Angel fish need a tank with a lot of height to keep them comfortable. Although the tank you have would be fine for growing out for a little while, if you plan on keeping these fish forever you will need to upgrade.

Now as far as keeping them with guppies, i see no harm in that. I kept mine in a community tank with pleco's, silver dollars, kinfes, rocket gar, gouramis, along with platty's guppies and barbs. As long as i kept everyone fed and happy they never really gave the smaller inhabitants any trouble. The angels will however chase them around briefly. But this was also in a much larger tank(110 gallon). I would go with at least a 30 gallon tall tank for the near future. The more space your semi-agressive fish have, the less agressive they will be towards your other fish.

Good luck
Thankfully my 34 litre is 48cm high so it should be okay for a bit but I agree with you, it won't be big enough for long. Thanks for the info and suggestions. It was just what I needed to hear. :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
What are the other dimensions of that tank? I do not believe you have enough room in that particular tank to keep anything but either a betta or a few guppies - Even an angel needs to swim back and forth. Remember he is suggesting a 30 gallon tank, and the other group of fish were in a 110 gallon tank.

What are the other dimensions of that tank? I do not believe you have enough room in that particular tank to keep anything but either a betta or a few guppies - Even an angel needs to swim back and forth. Remember he is suggesting a 30 gallon tank, and the other group of fish were in a 110 gallon tank.
38x25x48cm It looks bigger than it sounds. He's currently able to swim back and forth in the 20 litre tank with no worries and there's a good sized breeding trap in the tank.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Why the breeder trap? That must take up some room too. Must be like pacing in a prison cell. I have a hexagon tank about the same size with one betta and two otos. Your tank would be great for a male betta.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I've had large angels with fry in various tanks. Some angels will eat all of them, others seem to leave them alone. These have been larger planted tanks, but even with fry swimming around, some of my angels don't seem to care.

As long as you're willing to experiment, and not get too upset if fry get eaten, it's worth a try.