Adventures in Betta sitting


Small Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Santa Barbara
Well while my MIL was away, I watched "Angus" for her. I even put up the mirror like everyone suggested. All week long, things were great, Gus seemed almost happy to see me. The the last day started out ok, I walked in said hello to Gus, he swam up to the top for his food, I fed him and was about to walk away. I look back and think, wow, his water looks a bit funky, maybe i'll dump out a little bit and clean up his house so his momma will be happy. Anyway I take the bowl and I figure I'd dump just a bit....well Gus made a break for it and jumped out of the bowl and was headed for the garbage disposal. I caught him before he went in. Then I quickly put him back. He was NOT happy with me. I felt so awful about that. I learned my lesson, I will never ever ever, dump water without putting him in a safe place first, thats if his mom will ever let me get near Gus again, LOL.