advice for jd in 65 gallonm

Jan 11, 2004
I have a JD wtih some barbs and a pleoc in a 20 gal right now. the jd is only about 2". around mid marhc i will be getting a 65 gallon(hope fully) or 50 long. I had a lfs order a green terror for me but i dont know if i want it now. i keeping thinking that they will get along fine in the 65 but that is highly unlikly. plus this would be overstocking some. whatelse could i get instead of the gt. i was think a pair of convicts or firemouths. wolud they be able to hang with the jd. or would a silnge convict or firemouth do fine. thanks ahead of time for any help or comments


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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well, my con an JD hung out together, but only for a little while. after that theyd just hide under the rocks.

plus theres no way of telling how aggressive the con will be. it could be meaner then the JD. id also only get one, two would give you the off chance that your getting a breeding pair, and unless you plan to feed the fry to the JD, convicts would give you more fry then you know what to do with, and cons and firemouths get more aggressive during breeding, and it might cause problems between them and the JD.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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When that Jack gets to 5 inches - he'll beat the crap out of anything else in the tank - even if it's the same size as him (GT's are even worse). Haven't had Cons myself - but my money is still on the Jack worrying it/them to death.

My Jack was all sweetness and light at 2 inches - right now he's 6 inches and being a complete git.

Oh boy are you going to have fun............


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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my JD was about 6 inches when i gave him to my aunty(she liked his colors) and all he did was hide in the rocks or haul @$$ into a cave when i walked into the room. alot of times the JD and con would be in the same cave together. a week before i gave him to my aunt, i put my clowns in the 55 to get them in the bigger tank. they went straight into the JDs cave and evicted him hehe.:D

idk why he was such a wimp...he was the biggest thing in the tank, and even the convict would flex on him if he stayed around too long.

im not saying the same will happen for you, but thats my odd experience with JDs and convicts.