advice for new/old tank????


New Fish
Nov 22, 2008
Hi everybody. I am new to the forum and here goes. I just took apart my 55g salt water tank which I have had for years but couldnt keep it up as I didnt have the time--or the money. I currently have a 30g freshwater tank which I have also had for years and want to transfer those fish to the "new" 55g and was wondering.....
-what kind of heater I should get;
-whether I can continue (after cleaning of course) to use my cannister filter from the saltwater tank along with my over the side filter from my freshwater tank;
-type of water flow pumps (was using 2 over the sides and one in water in saltwater tank for good water curculation)
-should I mix in new water with the existing water and just bring fish over or should I start cycling the "new" tank and wait and then bring over the water and fish, and..
-use the UV sterilizer from the SWr tank ?
-anything else i forgot

thanks to everyone in advance


Jun 21, 2008
Hi Steve, I'm definitely not the most knowledgeable on here, but since no one has answered I'll jump in with what I can.
Heater wise, I have a Marineland and am happy with i, although the controls are not exactly precise, but as long as you watch the thermometer, it works well. I think I've heard good things about Rena too. I think any major brand is probably ok. I wouldn't scrimp on a heater, but you probably know that.
Canister filters are fine for freshwater. My only concern with using both would be over filtering. However, I don't know where the line is between lots of filtering to make sure everything is under control and too much is.
I just have my HOB in my 55 gallon and it seems to be fine. I think it depends on if you have any fish that need high current.
I don't think that the water would help too much, as most of the bacteria is in the gravel and filter. If you can keep some of the media wet from the old tank, that might help, but since it was saltwater, I'm not sure about that even.
I also don't know about the sterilizer.
Don't forget to cycle, but you probably knew that.
Hope this helps at least some.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the site :D

Heater: Something around 150 watts should work. Jaeger and Stealth heater seem to be the favorite brands.

Filter: Yes, you can use the filter after cleaning.

Pumps: The two filters should be enough. I wouldn't worry about adding a powerhead.

Cycling: If you move all fish, decorations and filtration from one tank to another, you shouldn't need to cycle. However, if you're changing substrate, then you'll need to cycle. You can use some of the old water, but it's not really necessary.

UV filter: I've never found them to be very useful for freshwater.


New Fish
Nov 22, 2008
and phosphates

I didnt think so about the UV as I have the water running through it but the bulb is out--guess it isnt doing anything anyway !

And I did change the substrate when I emptied the SW tank and added new gravel because I knew I would need more as this was a larger 55g. So far, I have used some of my existing FW to help the cycling but havent added any fish or decorations yet. The numbers (PH, nitrites,nitrates,ammonia etc...)seem ok EXCEPT for the phosphates---very high--dark blue on the chart..what can/should I do about this ????? Is this a concern?????



New Fish
Nov 22, 2008

I just tested my tap water that comes through the filter and there doesnt seem to be a high level of phosphates..I guess I'll do more water changes to get it down and continue with bringing water from my old tank in small amounts.

how long should i wait before adding fish? decorations? plants? should I add the decorations first or it doesnt matter?

should i add new fish first or start bringing over my fish from the 30g existing tank first?

as far as lighting goes, I took off my SW light which was high power since I had corals and brought back my FW hood which has 1 blue and 1 white flourescent--ok lighting??

thanks again...I feel like a beginner all over again but just trying to to do it right