Advice needed


Small Fish
May 3, 2009
I'm very new with having a fish tank. I was given a 30 Gallon tank with everything that is needed to run a fresh water tank. I went to the pet store and got two Dalmation Fish. One male and one female. I was told that the female was pregnate and would give live birth. I thought that would be really neat for my kids to learn about. Today when I was feeding the fish I noticed that the female didn't look pregnate anymore and then saw a bunch of eggs around the top of the tank. How long will it take for them hatch? Do I need to do anything special for the eggs to take care of them?*GOLDFISH*


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
When you say "dalmation fish" i'm assuming they are probably mollies. Unless you want to teach your children irresponsible fish care, you need to quickly read up about cycling a tank. This is a great science lesson for children and a lot of fun to get them involved in. Take a look at the link in my signature below or the freshwater stickies for information about cycling and breeding fish.

If the fish are mollies, they don't lay eggs, they give live birth, perhaps you see bubbles?

Jun 21, 2008
If they're dalmation mollies, they're not eggs. So, you could google "dalmation mollie" and see if the pics match what you have. If not, then it's possible you have a fish that does lay eggs. Is there anything else in the tank? Live plants? It's possible a snail could have hitch hiked in, and I guess they could be snail eggs?


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
OK, I have no idea what the two posts above are doing here, but I am curious about the whole egg thing. The others are right, if your fish are mollies, they aren't eggs from them. So, what else could they be from? DO you have other fish or snails/live plants that may have had snails on them?

My cory cats just laid eggs. Never had that happen before...

May 3, 2009
I do have some tetras and a male a female beta. Most of the eggs are gone now. I think that the other fish are eating them. That fine with me too. Iam a firm believer in survival of the fittest.

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