Advice on compatibility of fish to plants needed.

Oct 27, 2007
My husband and I have MTS, but not for the reasons described on this site. We inherited a 35 gal tank, then separated the aggressive fish out into a ten gal tank. We have just bought a 75 gal tank and have now moved the fish around.

75 gal tank: two blue gouramis, 5 black fin tetras, 1 bala shark (not sure about whether we should have ever bought this fish), and 3 silver dollars.

35 gal: 4 large angel fish, 4 tetras (not sure what they are yet), 3 neon tetras, 2 zebra danios, 1 pleco (seems to have stopped growing at 3 inches), and 1 small catfish (also seems to have stopped at 1 inch).

10 gal tank: 1 pleco (seems to be growing at alarming rate (probably will end up in 75 gal tank) 1 small catfish (1 inch variety). I would like to put guppies in this tank, but don't know how many?

I'm also interested in starting up some plants. I do have some plants but the angel fish demolished most of them. So, advice on hardy plants for a beginner, low light aquarium. I do have a book on aquarium plants and one on fish, but I'm finding that many of the plants that might be good for my needs are not allowed in Maine. Any suggestions?


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
Welcome to MFT! :D

Umm for your 10G I would say four guppies would be a good number. If you don't want babies keep them all male.

As for the plants, I was just telling someone else in another thread a link and instructions on how to ise this link. Here it is:
1. Click on this link: Tropica
2. Under "Species List" on the right hand side there is a drop down box containing the filter option of "not eaten by herbivorous fish".
3. Click on that and then search below it for all the plants they say won't be eaten .


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
The Angel fish should leave the plants alone mine only bother them when they lay eggs, that is only to clean them off. The Silver dollars on the other hand will eat your plants.

I would trade the Shark thing in for some guppies. The guppies will breed and create more fish, dont be afraid to feed them to the other fish to keep you population down. Move the Pleco from the 10G to the 75G.

You may also want to consider swapping the Angels and the Gouramis the Angels will appericate the room.

As far as plants there are a lot of them out there that are easy to grow. I would look around and find something that you like then ask about it.


Oct 27, 2007
Maha: Many thanks for all your advice. We are still learning how many fish to put in a tank and what goes well with what. I should explain though that my husband has the 75 gal tank, (a recent gift from me) while the 35 and 10 gal tanks are mine. My angel fish were once with his sharks and it didn't go to well. My angel fish killed one of his sharks (still too recent to forget). So, there are some emotions in play here. I don't think swapping the gouramis for the angel fish is on the cards. We will put the pleco into the 75 gal tank though. What do you suggest as a replacement for the pleco in the 10 gal tank. Something that will do the same job, but not get so big!

My angel fish have been destroying my plants. All I have left are stalks! The plants look like they will grow back. I'm one of those people that just cannot throw a plant out if there is any chance it will recover. So, I'm hanging in there with my stalks for now. (The plants (stalks) are with the guppys in the 10 gal.) I'm not putting new plants in the 35 gal tank until I know more about them.

I've been doing a lot of reading about the plants. I've decided that I want to start with plants that are easy to keep and need low light. I've narrowed down my list and am now in the process of comparing that list to the one that I found on the site that Ishar gave me. When I've completed my research, I'll post the latin names to get advice before purchasing. I would like to know if you have purchased plants online and if the plants were good quality?

Thanks again.

Oct 27, 2007
Ishar: I went to the store yesterday and bought some guppies. Unfortunately, it was before I read your post. I bought 6 females and 2 males. I needed to think about your advice since I'd obviously already made the purchase. I wasn't sure what to do yesterday. Should I have returned them? They don't look crowded, but is that too many? We could move 3 females and 1 male to another tank. I just worry that the other fish will kill them. We are going to move the pleco to the 75 gal tank to make room. The guppies are so beautiful! I really do want to keep them.