Advice on Ick


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
Two of my goldfish have developed Ick.:( :eek: I do keep a close eye on my fish and today is the first day I have noticed it. I have done some research on treatments and have come up with three names. Coppersafe, Quickcure and Maracide, as well as two antibiotics. Maracyn and Maracyn-Two. I am going to get some of these treatments, but I wont get to the LFS until tomorrow ( its now 10.30pm here). I was wondering if anyone knows of any household remedies to start a treatment straight away. Do I add salt? :confused: I have noticed that one of my goldies is quite lethargic*SICK* and I'm worried I will lose him before I can administer the treatment. If anyone has any advice on kickstarting treatment or advice on what to do and how best to use the products, I would really appreciate it. Even your experiences on how you dealt with it would be helpful as I have never dealt with this before.




Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Not really sure with goldfish... I know tropical fish, heat and aquarium salt works well, but I don't think the goldfish would take temperatures up above 80F, which is what you'd nead to kill ick that way. And I don't know if you'd want to add salt tonight and then medicine tomorrow, or if they wouldn't work together.


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
JAWS69 said:
Ick can come from new fish who have it. I dont know if I would go back to that store again.
I have been back to the shop since I bought these fish and have noticed dead fish in tanks and generally poor upkeep of the tanks. I have already decided not to buy any more fish from these people. I have found a very good shop about 50 miles from where I live and I am doing my business with them now. I will buy the treatments locally though (from another Pet Shop).




Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
Hey Guys.

Got the Ick meds and added salt to the tank yesterday. Ick is already starting to clear up on the fish. They have less spots than they had yesterday. I guess I got it in time. The guys are definately happier today.

Cheers for the help guys.



Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
bigredspecial said:
Did you add the medication and salt? I have no personal experience with it, but 99% of people will tell you one or the other, never both.
According to the meds I used, ( Anti White Spot Plus ) and the advise I got at the store, It is ok to use both of the products together. Because the affected fish are golfish, I was told to use ony a 1/2 teaspoon of salt per gallon instead of the recommended 1 tablespoon full per gallon. I have watched the little guys on and off since getting up this morning and I have noticed that over the few hours the spots are disappearing from their fins and bodies. The salt is supposed to help improve their immune system. From my observations over the last 24 hours, there has been a marked improvement in fish behavior and appearance.

This is the first time I have had to deal with fish illness and its a learning experience, so hopefully my goldies will recover from this little set back.


Don't always believe what the people at the store tell you... people who actually know anything about their product are rare.

If the medication says it's ok, then that's good; I'm not familiar with that particular brand. However, one tablespoon per gallon is awefull strong... the usual dose is one per 5 gallons. Even at this doseage, I've lost more sensitive fish like cories.


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
Apologies.:eek: It is actually 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons and 1/2 a teaspoon per 5 gallon. I got a bit excited there. I doubt there is even that much salt in sea water lol. I added 1/2 a teaspoon per 5 gallons in this case. The guys are back to normal now with no signs of Ick at all. I am going to continue with the meds for two weeks though as suggested on the box and not add any more salt*thumbsups .

Thanks for all the help guys.
