I really want to start a tank for angelfish, but I am still researching the issue. I'm not ready to go out & buy fish or anything, just throwing around ideas, so if this is a bad idea, please don't think you have to stop me immediately from killing some beautiful fish (!) , I'm just gathering information right now.
I have an empty 29gal. The first 55g I acquire is earmarked for my 3 goldies, who are now in a 29g. Would a breeding pair of angels be okay in a 29 whilst awaiting a bigger tank? If so, would it be feasible for me to get 4 juveniles, wait for two of them to mature and pair up, then sell the other two back to the angelfish breeder? Nothing else would be in the tank, except maybe a couple of bottom feeders, like cory's. ...Unless anyone has any suggestions for tankmates, assuming this idea doesn't go straight to the trash can right away....
The tank will be planted. I will be setting up a 10g planted tank to 'practice' with diy co2 before jumping into setting up the 29g planted.
If I need to wait on this for a bigger tank, any suggestions as to an appropriate size to start with will be appreciated. Is the idea about starting with a mob of juvies and cutting back to a breeding pair okay?
I have an empty 29gal. The first 55g I acquire is earmarked for my 3 goldies, who are now in a 29g. Would a breeding pair of angels be okay in a 29 whilst awaiting a bigger tank? If so, would it be feasible for me to get 4 juveniles, wait for two of them to mature and pair up, then sell the other two back to the angelfish breeder? Nothing else would be in the tank, except maybe a couple of bottom feeders, like cory's. ...Unless anyone has any suggestions for tankmates, assuming this idea doesn't go straight to the trash can right away....
The tank will be planted. I will be setting up a 10g planted tank to 'practice' with diy co2 before jumping into setting up the 29g planted.
If I need to wait on this for a bigger tank, any suggestions as to an appropriate size to start with will be appreciated. Is the idea about starting with a mob of juvies and cutting back to a breeding pair okay?