
Feb 13, 2012
Ok, I just want to say hi because I am new here.

I need some advice. (I am a newbie so dont laugh)

I have a 10 gallon tank with fish listed in my signature. I dont have water perimaters. Two weeks ago I purchased Clarise from Walmart thought she was a male (lol) well I quickly found out that she was a female because my male molly wont stop "chasing" her and I found a present 2 days ago in my tank (7 babies, 3 lived) Now, I know that I must get a bigger tank soon because Mollies are notorious breeders. Now I had a friend that had a female Larytail molly that he was going to flush because he didnt want her so I took her. Now this females bigger than the male. Will he still breed with her or will she hurt him?

How long before I expect another batch so I can prepare?

How can I distract my male from chasing the smaller female


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to the forum!
First, you are right that you should get a bigger tank. Second, you should find out what your water parameters are - the best way to do this is buy yourself a liquid test kit so you can check it yourself. This is a very important part of fishkeeping, and will enable you to prevent fish deaths. Third, many females are actually larger than their male counterparts, and no she won't hurt him and yes, they will still breed ;) Fourth, the best way to distract your male is to add another female (when you have a bigger tank) so his attentions are spread out, and to add some hiding places like plants or other decor so the females can have a rest. Fifth, it's hard to say when more fry will be born, as livebearers can have several batches of fry within a short period of time - you are right to prepare for more! Finally, post pics of your 'unknown fish' if you would like us to advise whether they are suitable for your tank.

Nov 5, 2009
only thing i would add is that if you want to keep the fry and make sure they dont get eaten you might consider getting a breeding box or net or even keeping your 10 gallon set up as a fry tank when you do get a bigger tank for your other fish. and i cant stress enough how important a test kit is. good luck! welcome to the wonderful world of fish keeping!

Feb 13, 2012
Hi, welcome to the forum!
First, you are right that you should get a bigger tank. Second, you should find out what your water parameters are - the best way to do this is buy yourself a liquid test kit so you can check it yourself. This is a very important part of fishkeeping, and will enable you to prevent fish deaths. Third, many females are actually larger than their male counterparts, and no she won't hurt him and yes, they will still breed ;) Fourth, the best way to distract your male is to add another female (when you have a bigger tank) so his attentions are spread out, and to add some hiding places like plants or other decor so the females can have a rest. Fifth, it's hard to say when more fry will be born, as livebearers can have several batches of fry within a short period of time - you are right to prepare for more! Finally, post pics of your 'unknown fish' if you would like us to advise whether they are suitable for your tank.
Well thanks for the advice. I just have one issue. Neveah was placed in the tank for a secondary option for Midnight because Clarise just gave birth. I was thinking I could place her in the tank to get Midnights attention off Clarise. However, I think that plan isnt working because Midnight isnt "chasing" Neveah. Sure he gives her a glance but if Clarise swims by he goes after her.

Now for the fry. They are in a breeders box in the main tank.

As for the mystery fish. I would love to know what they are. They are small fish. Friend said they are a platy, guppie hybrid but somehow I think they are something else. A little discription. They have almost a molly body yet the size isnt right. They are almost a guppy size. But I will try to get some pics but they fast buggers especially if Clarise and Midnight is active


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Sometimes males just get 'fixated' on a certain female and will harass her endlessly. If you don't want to rehome one of the fish, the best thing to do is add some more plants or decor to give her hiding and rest spots, and also to add additional females.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I have had PLENTY of experience with mollies within the last 6 months. When I started re-keeping fish (i have had goldfish when I was little), I got a beautiful male betta for my birthday. Then, I got 6 fish (2 long-finned zebra danios - 2 females, 2 gold dust mollies - 1 female 1 male, 2 black mollies - 2 females), and a couple days later, my gold dust had babies (8 survived), and she died. Then, within a couple weeks ago, my 2 black mollies had 30 babies (28 survived). One black molly died. Now, 10g: 2 zebra danios, 1 gold dust molly, 1 black molly, 1 cory catfish, 8 older molly fry, 1 nerite snail. 5.5g: 28 molly fry. Betta bowl: 1 crowntail betta.

Anyways, with my 42 total fish right now, i might be able to help some...

Like already stated in other peoples posts, I would suggest getting another female molly or two. This might take the male's attention off that one female. I hope none of your fish hurt eachother. Sorry if this post was too much about myself, but I just wanted to put my story somewhere on the forum. :p

Hey, can you post some pics of your 'unknown fish' so that we can help you determine what they are?


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
It all depends. I had 1 male Platy and 5 females. He fixated on one female and harrassed her until she was almost dead. He didn't even try to breed with her, just chased her around. I tried to put her in my other 10g (sitting next to the current one) and she was so scared and shy. He was still trying to get to her through the glass. He was a male Betta in a Platy's body, I swear. I got rid of him and when I took him to my lfs (exchange, please!!) he was fine in the tank. Maybe it was because of the other males, idk. My female has now gained back her confidence and she's my favorite Platy. I saved her from the sickening conditions of Walmart a year ago.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Please consider - a 10g tank is really too small for mollies (even two) and you already have three so IMO adding more is not an option and you will just create more problems.