
Feb 27, 2012
I am new to aquariums. I have a 55 g well planted and many many hiding places. My wife and I have been stocking fish ourselves and have the aquarium perfect in our eyes, but after some research we have found we have fish that aren't supposed to live together... our tank has been setup and had these fish for about 4 months and everything is great.. we have 1 goldgourami, 1 blue gourami, dwarf gourami, 1 labelled goldfish, 1 pictus cat,1 sailfin cat, 1 Raphael cat, 2 tetra, peacock eel,1 goby,1 Angel fish,and two mollies and 2 cichlids.. I have a twenty gallon I can setup but not sure what to move where.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
hmmm.... really good question. THe gourami & the angels and the cichlids should not be together, so this will be tricky. the goldfish needs colder water, but everyone else is a tropical... The only ones that could really fit in the 20 are the mollies, the tetras & the dwarf gourami. I'm not sure about the goby, but that may also be able to go in the 20, depending on it's type. For the rest, decide what you want to keep, and sell the rest... I think the cats can stay together with either one of the gourami, or the angel. The cichlids (depending on type) really need their own space. I'm assuming you mean assorted africans, but correct me if I am wrong. Specific names of the cichlids & the goby would help. I DOn't know much about peacock eels, but an guessing they get pretty big and will likely try to eat some of the others...
Sorry I'm not more helpful. :/

Feb 27, 2012
not sure...

The goby is a knight goby. The cichlids i have no clue. One is bright orange with orange eyes and the other is green with dark brown spots. We call him camo

Feb 27, 2012
I feed freezes dried mysis shrimp and tropical flakes twice a day and once a day I cut up two nite crawlers up into small prices and feed them just be fore I turn on the nite lights and everything loves those