advise please :)


Large Fish
Dec 14, 2009
hello all,

ive had mollies in every tank ive ever had and ive been successful in breeding most my females. In my 10g fry tank is 2 fry that have been there about 2 months now, and 3 that have been there about a week. i want advise as i want to release one of the fry which is looking big enough for the main tank but dont know if i should.. any suggestions ? i really dont want to lose it so should i just leave him in the 10g for a bit longer ? hes developed all his spots ( hes a dalmation molly) and doesnt like eating the fry food anymore, he prefers the good stuff, i.e.. flakes, bloodworms :) hes about 1cm long (if that helps ) lol

thanks :)

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Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I'm not trusting my 3/4" platy fry in the big tank yet, even with plenty of places to hide. Of course, I've got some voracious hunters in the tank he'd go in (female bettas, female guppies and guppy juvies), so he won't be going in there until he's AT LEAST 1.5".

I just found TWELVE platy fry in the "Tank of Doom" (my 20gH) that I'm tearing down! Now I have to figure out what to do with all of them until they're big enough to sell to the LFS.

Sep 6, 2009
My platy had 12 fry and I had the same issue. I waited 3 months and they were fine. They look so cool in the main tank. The rule is if they are small enough to fit in the other fish's mouth do not put them in.