Aeration question


New Fish
Jul 15, 2010
I have a 40 gal hex with a Bio Wheel 200 filter I picked up off of Craig's list yesterday.

I was just wondering is it necessary to have something aerating (sp?) or making bubbles or does the filter it's self take care of this now.

I had tanks 18 years ago and had a neat thing called a bubble wall that was about 20", I just can't remember if it was a needed thing or just a pretty thing.

Thank You,


New Fish
Jul 15, 2010
I am going to try a Red Perrot with 3-4 angels, some rams, a pleco or two, red tailed shark, clown loaches. Maybe some tiger barbs, gouramis. Haven't really made up my mind yet.
I just learned about the fishless cycling on this forum. When I did this 20 years ago I filled the tank, removed the chlorine, got the temp right, put fish in.

I used to have a mix of fish in my old 30 gal long like I described above minus the perrot and add a Jack Dempsey, Firemouth. Also had a 20 gal tall with two tiger oscars about 5" long.

As for right now we are going on vacation in the first part of August so I plan on letting the tank run as it is now. I have it set up with artifical plants of various sizes, a cave, shells, some rocks here and there.

When I bought it had just been emptied five days prior. I rinsed the gravel in the kitchen sink really well, now I find out that more than likely I killed bacteria I did not want dead, but the stuff was filithy. I also scrubbed the inside and outside of the tank with a weak vinegar-water solution. 3 cups vinegar to two gals water. Rinsed well after.

All the other equipment (Filter, Heater, nets, tank lid I soaked in a vinegar solution, scrubbed and rinsed with tap water.

I guess I was more worried about killing the bad bacteria than preserving the good.

I do have a master freshwater test kit that came with it I will use to test ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, ph. From what I have read I can add ammonia to the water until it reads 5%, when it goes to zero overnight the tank should be ready for fish. I will do more research into the cycling concept when I start it.

Oh yeh, I ended up getting two 10" bubble stones anyways.
Thanks Again,


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