

Small Fish
Aug 3, 2012
help! I've noticed that one of my guppy's opens his mouth and closes it constantly & really fast. He swims but after a while he just stays at the bottom of the tank. Also, he isn't that active any more. I'm thinking it has something to do with aeration? I have an airpump, filter and my tank's temperature is 82F. Water parameters were: Nitrite - 0, ammonia - 0ppm, Nitrate - 5.0, pH - 7.6++. I do 25% water changes every week. My balloon molly is doing the same, gasping at the surface then spits out bubbles. ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks *SICK*


Superstar Fish
The way water gets oxygen is by the ripples or waves on the top of the surface. The air stone only oxygenates the water at the surface where it makes waves or ripples. If you have a hang on back filter try to keep the water level down a little so the waterfall ramp makes a good wave action as it crashes into the surface of the water. Also the higher the temp is the less oxygen the tank has. I am not sure of the temp you fish need but with a quick search on the net it looks like 82 is about the max for those fish. I have Mollies in my Saltwater tank and its at 78. I am not saying thats your problem but its on the far edge of what is recommended. Try to get more waves and ripples at the surface, if it is an oxygen problem your fish will start to look better very soon.


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2012
Thank you KcMopar. He started to swim again but his mouth still opens / closes fast. My temperature now is down to 78F and thenwater level below the filter. I'm thinking he has a pellet stuck in his mouth/throat. Have you encountered this problem yet?:eek:

Also I've seen you've got a 75G african cichlid tank. That really looks nice. I'm planning to upgrade my tank to a 100L/25G (that's all I can afford atm). Would that be okay for a mini cichlid tank? :D Thank you.


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2012
I've done some research and found out that my fish had some intestinal problems. The scales were raised and the fish just wouldn't eat. I brought it back to the pet store where I bought it. Thanks for the info. *thumbsup2

I'm thinking of buying another tank like 100L ++. Any suggestions on what fish to buy? I've got some guppies and balloon mollies atm in a 13G tank. Is it possible to have like 1-2 african cichlids though in a 100L? or other fish alike?

Thanks :)

Feb 27, 2009
Shellies can be kept in smaller aquariums. Some say 10 gallons, but I'd recommend 20 to allow some room for water parameters if its someone relatively new to fishkeeping. This website is a good 'step-by-step' guide to keeping them.

Desktop Cichlids: The Shell-Dwelling Species

A friend keeps them with mollies, who like harder water too, so its a good match for her. Shellies stay on the bottom for the most part, while the mollies hang out mid and upper level.


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2012
Thanks for the info OrangeCones, I'll check the local pet store if they do sell dwarf cichlids.

I'm also thinking of starting a salt water reef tank with anemones/clown fish etc.

1. What are the pros and cons of having a salt water reef tank compared with a freshwater tank?

2. Is it really hard to maintain a salt water tank?

3. Is it okay to add a LED light (actinic blue) in a 50L fresh water tank?

thank you! :)

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