Afraid of Overfeeding


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay I am not sure how much I should be feeding my tank. The clowns won't eat anything except mysis or brine shrimp, formula one frozen food....I have tried flake and pellet but they spit it out. I have been feeding 1/2 cube of frozen in the morning and again at night but I am afraid of overfeeding. The tang eats and so does the cardinal but I haven't seen the gobie eat anything but sand. Should I add coepods for the gobie as my tank hasn't been up that long? and how often should I feed the others? I would like to get them eating some flake food with supplemental mysis every other day???? but I haven't found one they will eat yet. None look like they are starving and the crabs and snails take care of any leftovers..........


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
well, here is my opinion....most people chronically overfeed their tanks...the clowns and other fish in there should readil y accept flake...try mixing the flake in with the frozen and gradually ween them off of it. I just dont see it necessary for most inhabitants to be fed on a daily basis...especially in the quantities that people tend to feed. for example, I feed flake every 3-4 days...and frozen every two weeks, my corals, and all my fish are fine and happy...and as a result they scavenge more, picking at things in the tank...which is much more natural...this said, there are some fish/inverts that require daily, sometimes hourly feeding...but they are few and far between....overfeeding can also easily lead to algae problems...which suck.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I know I used to feed my fw fish every other day flake and not a lot of it. The clowns are regular pigs that rush up to the baster like it is some sort of manna from heaven. I want to wean them onto flake as I think they are spoiled from the mysis. I am worried about the gobie though and wonder if I should buy some coepods to add just to reinforce what's there....or I was reading that they eat mysis? That is if clowny ever lets any reach the bottom of the tank


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
well I guess the best I can do is try to wean these suckers off onto some flake, supplemented with frozen a couple times a week and really watch my phosphates and nitrates for signs of overfeeding. So far things have been good. I just don't want that diamond watchman to starve......all he does is sift sand, maybe I should innoculate the tank with a bunch of coepods.......isn't that what they eat in the sand?