A 10 gallon would be out of the question for pecocks. They are harem breeders, and normaly require anywhere from 3-5 females for every male in the same tank. I wouldnt try it in any thing less than 55 gallons. Each fish gets around 5-6in when grown, so you can see a 10 gallon would really be too small.
The only african cichlid that you could breed would be some of the shell dwellers from Lake Tankanyika. These adorable small fish live in shells, and most males will attain the size of around 2in, with females a little smaller. Neolamprologus multifasciatus, and Neolamprologus brevis are two great shellies, and could make a nice home in a 10 gallon. Both of these cichlids lay eggs inside the shell, and the young are raised in the shell and directly around it. Like most african cichlids however, despite there size they are teritorial and should be kept as a species tank in a 10 gallon.
The larger the tank you can provide, the more options you would have as to what species you can keep and breed.