I currently have a 50g tank with some African Cichlids in it. I was planning on making some additions to the tank, however, I wanted to add some other species. What are some recommendations? Would the Blood Parrots or Discus do well in the same tank?
Im afraid there are not many fish you can put with africans. I have a pair of bristlenosed plecs in with mine and they do fine, but apart from that i really dont think there are any other suitable tank mates
I agree with Helena...Africans are better of with just africans. Discus would get killed for sure, but I'm not too sure if blood parrots would, I've never really researched them so I dont know their agression. Just stick with the africans
I find that rather sad to hear. I never intentionally would have put Africans in this tank, but since it is my work's fishtank, and I inherited its maintainence, I guess I don't have much of a choice. Thanks.
The only thing that mixes well with African cichlids, are other African cichlids. And even then, there are a lot of species that shouldn't be mixed with others. Sorry, but adding tankmates isn't a good idea.
Depending on what species you have and tank setup...you may be able to add some cats. Various syno, pictus....clown loaches but probably too big for that tank since you need a few of them to be happy.
I have a lone pink con in my setup that was a random pickup about a year ago...it does fine. Although i would never add anything else non mbuna.