African Cichlid Tank


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
I was hoping to start a mini malawi tank using a 20g, i used the cichlid forums 'cookie cutter' thing to look up some combinations of fish.

Using that i decided to get a trio 1m/2f of Labidochromis caeruleus ( yellow labs ) and a trio 1m/2f of Pseudotropheus socolofi ( powder blue cichlid ).

I would use a sand substrate and make atleast one hiding place per fish using rocks, i will probably just have one or two java ferns attached to a couple of the rocks, as far as plants are concerned.

Can anyone foresee any problems that this set up may make? Also is there any way to tell the difference between males and females of the two species i've chose?

Mar 5, 2004
Raleigh, NC
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I have a male & female p. socolofi (expecting their first babies any day now). My male has bold verticle dark strikes with a lot of black on upper & lower fins. My female looks more solid light blue (you can see stripes if you look closely). She doesn't have the black on fins. My male is the dominant one in my tank, so he can be a bit of a meanie. However, the female is very docile. Can't wait to see the babies.

Also, my male loves to dig & move the gravel around which is common. I put gravel in to satisfy this urge and to give him something to do. They will dig out their own hiding places much of the time.

One thing mine love is when I build bridges with rocks against the back of the tank with one longer rock layed across two others. They love to hide in there, and seem to prefer the ones with only a front exit than ones open on both sides.

Hope this helps!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I agree a 55g at least!
I dont know who over there at Cichlid Forums makes up these tank calculator things.
a 20 is good for 3-4 adult labs max. and 4 would be pushing it. a dominant male yellow lab would probably kill everything in that tank even the other females. a 20 gallon is no place for Malawi cichlids except the smallest fry or juvenile fish.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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The Blue Mbunas are terrorists in a tank - they fin nip and run away - my Pl*cs are getting seriously fed up with them, and so am I. Hiding places are no barrier to the Blues, they will constantly seek and disturb.

The yellow Labs would be a much better bet - (just don't mix them with anything that's blue - lol).

As Mana says, for a 20, you'd do better with smaller fish. "Mixed Cichlid" tanks start at the 55 mark just for the sake of sanity (yours and the fishes).


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
Every thing i've read said the powder blue cichlids only got to 4 inch and were one of the more 'peacefull' of the mbunas, o well they have probably had no personall experience with them :p. i havn't actually got the tank yet but i think it will end up being a 25g, i think i may get one male yellow lab and 2 or 3 females instead then.


New Fish
Aug 27, 2003
Ottawa, Canada
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I have always found yellow labs to beautiful fish provided you get them from good linneage. If they come from poor stock they lack the vibrance and yellow/black colour definition and typically have more vertical bars than those from good parental stock. I suggest you continue your education to be sure you select your fish wisely and be very selective where you get your fish.