African Cichlids wants to know if I should add a Reverse Osmosis system


New Fish
Feb 11, 2008
Wet/Dry Trickle Filter

CORALIFE Pure-Flo II™ Premium TFC Reverse Osmosis Water Purification System

I have a Question I have a 55GL show tank with African Cichlids Iam wondering would be a good idea too add a Reverse Osmosis or Wet/Dry Trickle Filter too the tank of that would be too much for then Iam thinking of the Reverse Osmosis due that where I live we have very bad water known as heavy meltals and hard calsum

well thanks kind of know off the fish hobby

thank you all


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Calcium isn't going to be to harmful to your fish I don't believe. Unless it's in really high amounts. As far as the heavy metals, what types of metals? Some water conditioners like Prime neutralize several heavy metals leaving them harmless in the water. You should be able to find a water report from your water company either online, or call them and request one to see what you have.

The reason I mention this is because decent RO units are expensive, and if there is a workable alternative it might be worth it. If there isn't an alternative, then by all means a RO unit will probably be the best thing for a healthy tank.

A wet/dry filter won't help with the heavy metals, but it is a very good type of filtration for the tank. What filter do have on there now? Depending on the type of cichlids, most people find canister filters to be fine for tanks this size.

Dec 3, 2007
The RO unit you linked produces 24 gallons a day - since you have a 55 gallon tank, it could be a bit slow for your liking. There are RO & RO/DI filters capable of 60 gpd...if the cost is within your budget, you might be happier with something more along those lines.