I am always looking for ways to improve my set up and open to any tips/suggestions on diet, filter media lighting etc...
I have a 400 litre tank (5 ft x 2 x 2 approx), heavily stocked with mostly malawi and one or two other african cichlids.
Decor comprises tuffa rock, sand substrate and some old bog wood
Filtration comprises two eheim externals @ 1000 lph and a UV steriliser. One biological media one part bio, part carbon/chemical filtration
Lighting is two tubes that came as standard with the tank and I find them a little harsh, so considering alternatives.......
diet, mostly african cichlid pellets, some vegetable flake and various frozen mysis/brineshrimp etc about once or twice a week
I have a 400 litre tank (5 ft x 2 x 2 approx), heavily stocked with mostly malawi and one or two other african cichlids.
Decor comprises tuffa rock, sand substrate and some old bog wood
Filtration comprises two eheim externals @ 1000 lph and a UV steriliser. One biological media one part bio, part carbon/chemical filtration
Lighting is two tubes that came as standard with the tank and I find them a little harsh, so considering alternatives.......
diet, mostly african cichlid pellets, some vegetable flake and various frozen mysis/brineshrimp etc about once or twice a week