G gator8287 New Fish May 3, 2006 #1 May 3, 2006 2 0 0 May 3, 2006 #1 G gator8287 May 3, 2006 Anyone have any information on this cilid or a web address for one that could inlighten me to thier needs and requirments
Anyone have any information on this cilid or a web address for one that could inlighten me to thier needs and requirments
cinlnk Large Fish May 3, 2006 #2 Sep 10, 2005 805 1 18 118 Who said anything about living? I merely EXIST!!! May 3, 2006 #2 cinlnk May 3, 2006 Are you talking about the Malawi Blue Dolphin? try this site... it is one of the BEST....http://www.cichlid-forum.com/index.php Cyrtocara moorii is the real name for it . Last edited: May 3, 2006
Are you talking about the Malawi Blue Dolphin? try this site... it is one of the BEST....http://www.cichlid-forum.com/index.php Cyrtocara moorii is the real name for it .