About the floating frog: This is completely normal. They are just being lazy- it is called zen position. If you are ever worried about a frog doing this, GENTLY poke him with your finger, or the corner of a net.
About the frog out of water: I would provide a plastic plant, just left to float at the top of the tank. They do like to rest on theese sorts of things. For now, I would get the frog off of the filter, and turn it on again. If you are worried about the frogs getting sucked up, you can cover the intake piece with a sponge, or pantyhose. just cut a piece, and keep it on with an elastic.
Your tank must be cycled to run properly. The people at petsmart don't usually mention this to people newer to fish keeping. They say buy a fish or 2 for now, and in 2 days, you can come back for more. Dont do this. I would suggest reading this article:
It explains cycling- the nitrogen cycle, and common problems beginners have. For now, I would turn on the filter, and peform a water change (explained online).
If the frogs are not eating the food that you put in, make sure that you take out whatever is left after an hour. Frogs are slow eaters, and do not have very good eyesight. They do, however have a very strong sense of smell. Give them a little while, because they will need to get used to the food you are giving them.
If you would like to get them eating, get an eye dropper, or a turkey baster, and suck up some bloodworms. Point the end of the baster, towards the frog, and when he puts his nose up to it, you can gently squeeze a worm or 2 out. He will have smelled the food, and will eat it once he can get to it. You will need to defrost the worms in a bit of tank water first. You can also do this with a clean, new pair of tweezers- just dangle the worm above his head. Try not to chase them too much, but follow them around if they move away. They will eventually not be able to resist the temptation- they love bloodworms.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them.