African Dwarf Frog question


Medium Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Salt Lake City, UT
Just as the title says, I have 1 dwarf frog in my tank and the little terd keeps jumping out of the back and winding up in my sump. The tank is drilled and has a sock type filter where the water from the main tank drains into the sump, dont know if he is going down the 1" pipe, or jumping out the back bouncing off the wall and winding up in the sump or what.

Any one have this problem? I'm afraid he's gonna end up on the floor and die, and my 2 year old son will pick up a dried frog and eat it or something horrible like that.

I dont know what to do to prevent this, every time I open up the cabinet door the little butthead is in there, I have taken him out of the sump several times now.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2005
Ankeny, Iowa
I doubt that he is jumping out, while ADFs are capable and dumb enough to do it they are also not very strong swimmers. I have two in 29 G and they often have trouble just making it to the top of the tank against they flow of my filter. Also, whenever I got to petsmart I see them stuck in the flow of their filters too.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I belive that ADF are sensitive to poor water quality, and will try to get out of your tank if the water is bad.

Have you tested your water latley to see if anything has gone bad?

I have three in a 10 gallon open top and they have never gotten out.


Superstar Fish
ADF's are magnificent jumpers. It's what they do - even though they're aquatic. If there is a way to escape the tank, at some point, unexpectedly, they will.

Water quality could cause them to try and exit the water in search for cleaner water. So, yes, that should be checked.

I don't understand mechanical things at all and am clueless when it comes to setup with sumps and stuff, but I can tell you this: If there is an opening from one to another, even if it looks tiny, they can go through it. Even with a strong current, they can get through it. If there is any opening in the top of the tank, they can get through it.

Best advice I can give is to shut every hole (with duct tape if necessary). Worst way for a frog to go is to dry out ever so slowly on a carpet. They'd stay alive for quite some time, suffering, because they breathe atmospheric air.

This is coming from someone who just lost two adult male celebese rainbowfish this week who jumped out of the tank after 2 years - through a hole about 1/4" wide. I'm still trying to piece that one back together.

Mar 3, 2005
Is he getting enough food? They aren't very bright and have poor eyesight according to what I've read about them. Does the area he is going into have something he is enjoying munching on? Articles I have read indicate every opening must be closed off to keep your ADF from getting out, that sometimes they inadvertently go airborne when striking the surface for air.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I've never had a problem with my ADF trying to jump. I used to have needlework canvas over the back half of the top, but I forgot it at home (I'm at college), and he's never tried to jump through the gaping hole all along the back (For 3 months or so).

It probably has something to do with either individual frog personality or activity level, or water quality. If yours is a jumper, see if you can cover the hole with netting... it won't block water flow, but it'll block a frog.


Superstar Fish
Caps - I have to say...its not a good choice to leave it uncovered. I've had frogs manage their way out after a year or more of never trying. In the scheme of things, keeping it covered just seems like a more practical, sensible thing. I go by "better safe than sorry". You never know what can trigger a frog to jump. Maybe a tiny fruit fly hittting the water surface, misjudging the distance for air, something spooking him, a failing filter causing the water to become uncomfortable, etc.

It isn't a matter of a frog liking to jump, but rather an inexplicable sudden thing that happens out of the blue.

EDIT: Orion, thanks for linking that :D