African Dwarf Frog tank

Sep 11, 2007
Okay - my wife is obsessed... this one is a birthday present for her (that she knows about already).

I want to set up a little 10 gallon to house 1 dwarf frog and a couple of plants. Would a trio of guppies to finish up the tank be too much? Do I absolutely have to go 20 gallons with guppies? If water quality is the issue, I dont have a problem doing a couple changes a week, but if space is the issue then I just need to be told that. I've done a lot of research for the stuff that I wanted for the 29, but her infatuation is new to me (though I probably should have known, given that every time it rains she freaks out about the river toads that come up).

We (she) want a tank with one A.D.Frog, a couple plants (real or fake, no matter) and some small peaceful fish. recommendations? links to past similar threads?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I say if you wanted to do 2 African Dwarf Frogs (ADFs) and 3 Guppies in a 10G sound great. There shouldnt be a water issue if you keep up on regular changes. The inhabitants that you are talking about arent very messy....ok well the ADFs can be if you give them shrimp pellets, general they dont hve much of a bioload. Just a word of advice on picking up your frogs. Dont get them if they are skinny, chance are they are sick or not being fed properly which makes them weak and the bagging an moving to the new tank could be fatal. Go for the chunkers :p Also for the guppies unless you want to deal with the babies get 3 males.

Sep 11, 2007
thanks much! and the three males would be peaceful enough to get along, right? I had planned on 1 male and two females and transplanting any resulting fry into my larger tank until I can accommodate fry through adulthood... if three males would be fine then that's what I'll do! thanks for the help.