African Dwarf Frogs


Small Fish
Apr 5, 2004
I've had an ADF (African Dwarf Frog) for about 7 months. The pet store said they will eat fish food flakes, but i have not once seen him do this. He hasn't died, so i assume he's getting his food from somewhere. I got a new ADF yesterday to keep my old one company, and i want to make sure they don't die or anything. What exactly should i feed them? Can you reccommend a particular brand or type of food? Thanks.


Superstar Fish
Frozen bloodworms using a turkey baster or small syringe or foot-long tweezers. Feeding them directly is a great help.

As far as a quick way of sexing:

Males tend to have white bumps behind their forearms - kind of look like white pads or pimples (aka nuptial pads;)). Females don't have these. Instead, females have a pronounced butt "bump" - a slight protrusion between their back legs on their butt.

I use Hikari's brand.

Apr 5, 2004
the frog that i presume is female keeps trying to burrow into the back corner of the tank. is this something to do with egg laying or is she just trying to escape? the presumed male hides under a decoration i have. what's up with this?

Oct 22, 2002
I used to get ADF as food for my other fish...but from time to time they would last a few days/weeks...

if you have plants they will nibble on them, as well as any fish food that gets to the bottom...

mine nibbled on algae wafers, and sinking shirmp pellets and beef heart...