African Dwarf Frogs


Large Fish
May 26, 2003
Visit site
Just picked up 2 African Dwarf Frogs two days ago. But they both seem to stay in the back of the tank behind rocks and trees. I feed them and the fish shrimp pellets that sink but I'm not sure if they're eating it. I wish they'd come out to the middle of the tank and not stay in the back where I can hardly see them. Any suggestions?? Is this normal??


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I have four in a ten gallon and like to hide for most of the day. I have found that they also like to squeze themselves underneith rocks at the bottom. I eventualy created a large rocky area at the bottom with a multitude of places to hide. They really seem to like this, and I see them all the time sticking there head out from one of the caves.

Another thing I have noticed with the ADF is that they really dont seem to care much for bright lighting. This is another reason for the caves. I see them all the time where there is less light hitting the bottom, but almost never see them where the light is at its fullest is other parts of the tank. This could be why they are hiding.

Also remember that they are probably a little stressed out from shipping and the trip from the LFS. Give them a little while to adjust to there new home.


Superstar Fish
Mine does the same thing. I had never once seen him eat (I also give him sinking shrimp pellets) until a couple of days ago. But, ya, mine just kind of lounges around most of the time, tucking himself away behind the filter tube or in between the plant leaves. I think it's just the way they are...