African Jewel tankmates?

Jan 8, 2009
I have researched this fish for a while now, and obviously they say there cannot be tanksmates with a jewel except for its own species.I was wondering if anyone has had success with tankmates regarding the african jewel?

I tried to prove the skeptics wrong by adding one jewel with my blue johanni and Aurotus.But in the end i was proved wrong when that evil Jewel killed both of them.If the aurotus was an adult male(would have been a different story)


Thank you


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
I had a jewel in my tank of non capitable fishs. It was a tank of aggression. I learn to add more hiding spots. Also if you do add tons of hiding spots and a big tank. Other wise they pick on other fish and nip or kill them.

Jan 8, 2009
He is in a 30 gallon all by himself.He use too have some buddies with him until he mauled them.(blue johanni,Aurotus)

There is plenty of cover in my 30 gallon(plants,few holes, and a good size piece of driftwood.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I keep two Jewels in a 6 foot tank with CA cichlid. I have a pair that has bred but not anymore. The dominant male Jewel has a cave and a rock to himself and does not go out of his way to attack anyone except if near his area. the other one is female and she is not aggresive at all.

Almost all the fish his size or smaller were introduced when he was(convicts, a smaller firemouth) and he wont go after the Larger fish in the tank(Mayan, flowerhorn,Jack Dempsey, Salvini and a firemouth)The Jewels territory is about the size of a 1/2 a 10 gallon..not much..but his.

Maybe try changing the whole tank around first before introducing mates. I would also try and get tank mates same size or even bigger if posible. Only have so much room in that 30 for each territioy though.

Jan 18, 2010
I was having the same problem..... I do have one jewel with four other cichlids and they seem to be getting along for the past two months. If you want to add other fish they have to be the same size and in groups.

Jan 8, 2009
If i could.I would put him in my 55 gal. with my Green Terrors.But that cant happen right now because im in the middle of breeding them and they get more aggressive than the Jewel.That would be one crazy and aggressive tank!

I will just keep trying to find another Jewel around the same size,even though it will be tough finding an adult African Jewel.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well if you get another male Jewel it may not turn out any better. Female might work if your current one accepted it or possibly if you move things all around so that the old territory is shifted.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
you can sex jewels at around 1.5/2" :) yeah your LFS won't know this....

In the Male the end of his tail will have a clear/whitish trim, in your female the tail is body colored to the end.

Jewels are fish by fish, I started with 4 in my african tank, and I have split up the fighters so I'm down to a pair in there, my female has some nips in her tail and i may take it down to 1. Mine have proven to be aggressive (lip locking and fin niping) to each-other more so then the rest of my tank. The Jewels in my tank are just over 2"s. I will say this, if you can get them to pair they have the nicest colors!!! Their colors change rapidly with their mood, when i had to split out a male for fighting (the looser) he sat in my breeder tank next to my 55 until he got well and got a new home, the little brat refused to swim and stayed dusky for a week! moved him to another African community tank and he brightened up in less then 2 hours!

I really like these fish, but i would say that you need to have a back up plan if he turns into a bully, if you don't run multiple tanks, I would stay away from them.

Jan 8, 2009
Yeah!I ended up putting my African Jewel im my 55 gal. 2 months ago.I did this right after my Green Terrors breeded and have there fry in a seperate tank.Ever since everyone has been doing great.My male and female GTs get along great with the Jewel.I also have a 5" pictus catfish who is thriving aswell.NO PROBLEMs at all!

So i guess under sertain conditions you can mix African jewels with Adult GTs 3 times there size.

Jan 8, 2009
It has been 3 months from today.My guys are staying friendly with there own suitable territories.Every body including my pictus gets a well established diet.That being said:Green Terrors and pictus cats can thrive with an adult jewel.(only in proper conditions,hiding places,and tanksize).