Ok I really screwed up on my first attempt at a tank which resulted in the death of alot of my fish (I know now to never ever leave the filter you cycled with in for two months it really was too nasty to mention) so now I am hooking up what I wanted in the first place, an African Cichlid tank. This happened because I bought a Brichardi at my local aquarium shop and they swore up and down that it was a south american which it wasnt, and my old lady believes they purposely did that and im tending to now agree with her. What I want to know is with my current setup would a blue peacock be a good addition to the tank, and how many more Cichlids would be a suggested amount. My Yellow Lab and Brichardi are both mature and arent bothering my Blood Parrot at all, if anything they are having minor territory disputes which the Brichardi initiates but isnt anything major. My Ph is 8.2, my temp is 78, and im using liquid cycle for water maintence.