African Tank Setup

Ok I really screwed up on my first attempt at a tank which resulted in the death of alot of my fish (I know now to never ever leave the filter you cycled with in for two months it really was too nasty to mention) so now I am hooking up what I wanted in the first place, an African Cichlid tank. This happened because I bought a Brichardi at my local aquarium shop and they swore up and down that it was a south american which it wasnt, and my old lady believes they purposely did that and im tending to now agree with her. What I want to know is with my current setup would a blue peacock be a good addition to the tank, and how many more Cichlids would be a suggested amount. My Yellow Lab and Brichardi are both mature and arent bothering my Blood Parrot at all, if anything they are having minor territory disputes which the Brichardi initiates but isnt anything major. My Ph is 8.2, my temp is 78, and im using liquid cycle for water maintence.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i have to ditto soul on this.

you could have a breeding pair of brichardi in that tank (which you could do by getting several and waiting for a pair to form) alone which might be pretty cool, but the kenyi are just too nasty in a small tank.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How long and wide is this 29 Gallon - 3 feet by 14 inches? You'll need to make some decisions soon about how to keep these fish - you can't really keep mbuna in pairs as one will batter the hell out of the other, you either keep singles or many, like 1 male and 2 or 3 females or more. You also need to investigate before you buy - it's all to buy a small, pretty auratus only to find 3 months later it's a mean s.o.a.b. that's killing everything else in the tank


Small Fish
Apr 4, 2003
Visit site
ok u need to do some reading on these fish

but as i see it u want to mix fish from diffrent habitats and with africans that is a no no unless u have a really large tank
the size of your tank is really only suited to the smaller shell dwellers from lake tanganyika
the other thing you want to do is never mix mubuna with the sand dwelling and utaka fish from malawi as the mubuna are to aggressive for the utaka
if u really want to keep the aulonocara types then u need a bigger tank and either only keep one type with 1 male to 3 females or just keep all males as the females all look very similar and will hybridize

if u can get a book called lake malawi cichlids by barrons its not expencive and is a good starter book
they also do a book on tanganyikan cichlids

hope this helps if u have any questions i will be on in a few days


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well you could try a trio (1m, 2f)of the smaller peacocks though you may not like the females colours (brown), or 4 saulosi (1m 3f) as these don't get too big. For a 30 inch tank I suppose I'd try to resist getting very active fish of greater than 3 inch lengh

my tank is 30 inches exactly, the Kenyi? in question doesnt have a yellow tent it has a blue tent and is on the larger Juvinile size, all the other tank mates at the LFS were dark blue and light blue. Also it looks prettier when the tank temp is between 76 and 80 degrees but more so on the 76 side. Another thing that bothers me is when we got the Brichardi he had no color and they swore up and down he would return to his natural color soon and that was a week ago and hes the same color which is albino yet has these cold blue eyes that every one of them has. my LFS has a pretty 4 inch peacock and the Petsmart has a shipment of Ice Blue which im thinking of as well. One last note as well, none of my Africans are bothering my Blood Parrot, but I am going to eventually move him to his own 10 or 20 gallon are either of these sizes ok since he would be the only one in there.



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ice Blue ? Electric blue ahli? if so dont get one in a tank that small, as for the blood parrot 20gal is too small i may hate them but i would rather euthenize them quickly then have them suffer, also the peacock is too peaceful to go with the others, what you really need is a bigger tank and not to be buying more stuff for it