OK here I go. I'm starting an african tank and I know they are more aggressive than most tropical fish. but I'm wanting to know some good combinations that all of u have had. Right now in my 55 I got 3 electric labs, 2 purple maingano's 1 petricola catfish and 1 bushynose pleco, cost me 86 bucks I think I got a decent deal on them for being a small lfs. them and 2 filter cartriges 1, 5 lb rock and food cost me 100 bucks. now that I know it's going to be expensive to add more I don't want to spend 50 bucks on fish just to have them kill off others. I know I kinda rambled a bit I guess all I need to know is what fish could I get that will most likly not be a problem besides goraumies and ciclids. not a big fan of either. Thanks for any suggestions.