AGA Convention

Jul 19, 2007
I know you are wondering why Im posting pics from an AGA convention, but while I was there I also visited the Georgia Aquarium and thought I would share some pics with you guys

I saw this neat set up and I noticed that this coral did not have much direct light if at all, could someone identify what it is? And the fish as well...I thought it was a very interesting set up

there was a whole school of these guys, which mostly stayed in the bottom of the tank

The set up, up close

And this is a close up of the coral, I love the pink color, there was also a white version that I tried to get a closer pic

And here is a white close up version of this coral

hope you guys enjoyed these pics as much as me!:)

Jul 19, 2007
yeah Im thinking the same thing..only I wish I could know what kind of coral..its pretty neat that it could be so beautiful too

Im guessing they are not from the tropics bc of the fish?