aggressive females?

i have always liked female bettas, so i decided to stock my 12 gallon eclipse with them. this is my first attempt at a planted tank also. someone suggested 4 females and i believe it was approved by the other readers. there is some aggression going on, but not so much as to worry me... also 1 has tail rot, and one has a cloudy right eye. i have been dosing all of my tanks with melafix for 4 days now, because i noticed all this after i did water changes on everything.... *crazysmil anyways... is a small ammount of aggression normal? the plants arent very numerous or big... yet. like i mentioned earlier, this is my first planted tank. i also plan on purchasing driftwood to break up sight lines and give them something to play around on. sorry about the randon fashion i typed this post in also.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
The girls might need a little more room then 12 gal or you could add extra hiding places such as caves logs more plants, if you do not want to add to many real plants you could add some silk ones they look just as good as the living plants and they can provide more coverage if the bettas want to be left alone.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You can get some nice pieces of driftwood shipped, from I got a small piece from there (they were out of medium), and it's gorgeous. Unfortunately, you can't pick out your piece but the pictures I've seen of it and my piece look great. The shipping on non-fish isn't bad either, I think it's something like $8, and the driftwood is very cheap. Plus you can load up on other supplies at the same time (like filter cartridges, foods, etc.).

I've only got 2 females in my 37g, and they chase each other a bit. But as long as it's intermittant, not constant chasing, they're fine. Also make sure it isn't one that's constantly picked on and always in hiding. A bunch of fake plants can help with this, even if it's only temporary until real ones grow in.

Not sure what it is about female bettas in community tanks and fin rot... one of mine's got it too (she didn't have it 2 days ago...). Ah well, time for the Pimafix. And the sick one is still the aggressor...

my male had fin rot too, when i bought him, but i wanted that specific one so i bought him and started treatment. he is in a breeder net in the female betta tank. when ever one comes by him he spreads his fins out and races back and forth. they all seem a little nippe, but only when territories cross. they all seem to stay in their own territories, but they have their own ideas on how big a territory is. they kind of overlap. one also had a cloudy eye, but that has already cleared. i am going to do a water change o saturday. and see how the rot looks, to see if i need to continue dosing.

Sep 16, 2005
yes! my sexy girl thinks i am an undiscovered food group... she always goes for a chunk when i'm trimming plants or feeding... she's jumped out of the water to try and eat me before... and i get yelled at for getting water everywhere and mocked when i tell people that it hurts!