Aggressive red-tailed black shark


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Initially very docile, the shark has just started to give my 3 peppered corys a bit of a chase around the tank. So far he's not picking on the 2 smaller panda corys or the 12 WCM minnows.

Will the corys be tough enough to handle this aggression - are there enough of them to disperse the stress? Certainly the chases are very short and the corys settle back down quickly to their normal grubbing about in the sand.

...or is this just the start of bigger problems?


Large Fish
May 26, 2003
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From what I've seen, Red-Tailed Sharks do get a little aggressive when they get older and when they get used to a certain tank. You may want to keep him in a semi-aggressive tank or with bigger fish. My friend has a RT with Gouramis and Clown Loaches and they do fine.

As for myself, I stay away from the RT's because so far I only have a Freshwater community. I d, however have 2 Rainbow Sharks and they pretty much leave everyone alone. They're not as aggressive as RT's. One of my sharks however does chase the platy's and tetras around for around 2 seconds for fun then he loses interest so no one is in any real danger.


Large Fish
Jun 9, 2003
Middle Earth (New Zealand)
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I've had quite a few red-tailed shark in my time, always in a 15gal tank tho so they quickly outgrew it, mine harassed cherry and tiger barbs relentlessly so i'd only put him in an aggressive tank (found they go with large catfish/pleco, large blue gourami, and large blackwidow tetra [but this was in a 75gal tank])

how big is your tank?


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Well i once made a big mistake of adding 3 corys with a trio of mbuna cichlids and i think you can figure out what happend :(

Btw i was told by 3 people off some cichlids forums that corys go good with cichlids. Dont make the mistake i made!