First of all, let me first state that I'm still kinda new to this.
I have 2 African Bumblebee cichilds. (at least I think one of them is a bumblebee, darn close if not)
One of them is definately the boss of the tank. Until recently, things were fine.
Now it seems when I approach the tank to feed them, the boss (who is larger) chases the other one away. The majority of the time he shows very little aggressive behavior. The smaller fish shows no signs of being bitten or chewed on and when they don't know I'm there, they don't seem to fight at all.
Is this activity normal? I'm afraid the smaller one won't get enough to eat because of this.
Any suggestions?
I have 2 African Bumblebee cichilds. (at least I think one of them is a bumblebee, darn close if not)
One of them is definately the boss of the tank. Until recently, things were fine.
Now it seems when I approach the tank to feed them, the boss (who is larger) chases the other one away. The majority of the time he shows very little aggressive behavior. The smaller fish shows no signs of being bitten or chewed on and when they don't know I'm there, they don't seem to fight at all.
Is this activity normal? I'm afraid the smaller one won't get enough to eat because of this.
Any suggestions?