Agressive Gouramis?


Superstar Fish
Yes but it depends what kind of gourami, what size tank, and what kind of other fish.

Gouramis are actually not aggressive. They are simply territorial (like most labrynth fish), particularly towards other males. They often don't get along with other long finned fish like a betta.

Dwarf gouramis get around 2-2.5" and are fairly peaceful. I'd only get one, however. Though that does depend a bit on your other fish as I said.

That said, it depends a lot upon the fish's individual personality (again, a lot like bettas). I have two male pearl gouramis living in my 55g and they leave each other alone. However, I've got a platinum gourami that doesn't get along with them and had to be removed.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I agree with Leopardess, stick to a single dwarf gourami for tanks under 20 gallons. 30+ tanks can hold a pearl/gold/blue gourami pretty easily, but I would stick to just 1 again.

My Pearls are aggressive towards each other, and fairly tolerant of the other tetras/cories in the tank with them.

That said, I would not get 2 gouramies in anything less than a 50 gallon again, just to keep the stress to a bare minimum.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
what about a Dwarf Gourami and a Betta? I have heard that Bettas will only be agressive toward other male Bettas and sometimes fish that look simular.. or is it the Gourami who will be attacking the Betta? I hope it is ok to mix those 2 since that is what I was planning on getting next! Everything I have read on the Dwarf Gourami's describe them as being non agressive and even shy..

Sep 2, 2004
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i have two pretty large golden gouramis and one of them is pretty aggressive, i currently have no other fish but i am looking to restock, do you guys know any fish that would go well with golden gouramis?


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Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Oh i was only thinking of one. I was just curious if it would leave my other fish alone (neons, mollies, platty, adf, and corries). I had a friend add one to her 20 gallon and it massacarred her tank......therefore, im a bit worried.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Gouramis are actually not aggressive. They are simply territorial (like most labrynth fish), particularly towards other males. They often don't get along with other long finned fish like a betta.[/B]

I think it depends a lot on the individual fish. I had an opaline gourami in my 37 gallon. She ignored everyone in there (including black neons), and even hung out with one angel. Then she started to chase the catfish around the bottom of the tank. She wouldn't leave the catfish alone, so I had to return her. I was surprised, because I thought gouramis were mostly mid to top level fish.