AH! Nematodes?

Two weeks I noticed that when I moved some of my plastic plants, that there were some worms floating around. I did a 90% water change and got what I could out, which was most of them.

Today, I was taking out some of the plastic plants, and guess what I found? The worms again! I haven't done a water change yet, I am planning on doing one today.

I was just searching the 'net, to see if I could find a picture that looked like what I have, and here it is.

How do you get rid of them? I can't do water changes everyday, because I have school, and my parents will get mad at me for wasting water. I could go out and get some stuff to put in the tank to kill them all off if there is stuff to do that.

Thanks in advance to anyone that helps!!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
They look like blackworms to me. They're most likely harmless.

Feeding less and making sure you vacuum the gravel well with each water change should get rid of them. Most chemicals that will kill them will also harm your plants and scaleless fish.

Harmless? Well that is a relief

Feed... Hmmm... Maybe? I only feed my fish once a day, and make sure they eat everything I give them.

Well what I could do, is stick all of my in my freshly cycled 10 gallon tank, including all of my plants, dose some stuff to get rid of the worms, and use carbon to take the pest control out. Would that work?


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
are you suggesting to move all of your gravel into the 10G or all of your fish? All of your fish sounds more likely... and a better plan :p.

I think that could work, but it would be pretty stressful on the fish I might think, and The meds may take several weeks to work. Not sure but I think so anyways. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me though. Wait for a few other opinions though :)


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yes, you could do that (remove fish and treat the tank). You'll need to give the gravel a really good vacuum to remove any dead worms before putting the fish back.

By the way, a 50% water change on both of your tanks takes less than the water of a five-minute shower. You can use the old tank water to water plants, by the way, it's good for them.