Air Exposure on Live Rock?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I had a question about doing water changes on my tank and the layout of my rockwork. I would love to do a 5 gallon water change a week on the tank but with my rock arranged as it is I have to stop at around 2 gallons a week. Since my tank is a 20 long the height of one of my peaks on the right side of the tank is about 11/2 to 2 inches from the surface (which as I said before enables me to do about a 2 gallon a week water change without exposing my rock to the air).

I was wondering is :

1) Will my rock die (or just suffer) if its in the air for around 5-7 minuets while I drain 5 gallons and then refill?

2) I dont wait ro rearange and disturb my tank everytime I do a water change, so if the rock hitting the air is bad, do I have any other options besides just rearraning my rock to a lower level?

3) Is there anyone on here that has rock work really lose to the surface and has a way of getting around this> Idk if anyones has the height of a tank as I do (in relativity)


I dont want to post another thread so I figured Id ask here:

I picked up some seaweed at my lfs today and some clips becasue I wanted to test it out see if my emerald crab or any other critters would take to it. I currently have no fish (yes my kaudrens died, but it was my lfs fault so they refunded me) so would be putting small seaweed in there be good? Its made for like tangs and other algae grazing fish, but I dont see the harm in trying it out on the crabs (in paticular the emrald crab). Im pretty sure I will see my emerald testing the algae out, but is there any chance of my cleaner shrimp nipping at it (im even hoping my hermits will take a step up and try it). Ive been feeding my shrimp eat large marine pellets and have thrown like 3-4 more in for the hermits, and my emerald has been eating algae off rocks and such so I hope they eat his so I can make sure there all getting what they need.

Thanks for any help.

PS: I was at my lfs today just browsing and saw a Naso Tang, It made me want to buy a whole new setup that could support one, he was beautiful and I cant wait to get one. Sorry for rambling just had to express that.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
like henry said, there is absolutely no problem having the rock exposed for a while...the one exception being something with sponges on it. if there is sponge exposed to air it will die

the algae is fine for your crabs, etc...but i doubt the shrimp will go for it

naso tangs are beautiful and big!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Thats awsome news about the rock, now I wont have to worry about doing such a small water change.

I put some seaweed in the tank, im not sure I put it low enough to the substrate so ill keep an eye on it, and make the neccassary adjustments.

The naso tang I saw today was about 5-6 inches or so, and it was like 130$. It appeared to be worth every penny and then some to me. How big do they get? Are they the same as yellow tangs or bigger?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I also forgot to say welcome back Camaro, are you all done with the move or did you get a odd chnace to get on and check in? If so hows your tank and everything doing in the new place?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
nice, cant wait for some new shots.

Also I put the seaweed in last night at around 7 and nothing went on but in the morning it was all gone (a little left) so I guess the emerald crab found it and maybe some of the blue rocks. I was glad to see it gone so I know their eating.

Also Im gonna do a early water change today (not scheduled until saturday/sunday but ill do one today and then too) so that I can make up for the little chnages recently, and my powerheads intakes look clogged so im gonna fix that.

thanks for the help guys