I have a 5 gallon hex and a 10 gallon reg. tank. The 5 gallon has a Bio-filter and the 10 gallon a whisper filter. Do I also need to have an air pump and/or air stones. I thought I needed the heater but I am trying to keep my 5 gallon to stay down to 75 degrees (keeps getting a bit too hot). I am just setting up my 10 gallon and the tank stays at 75 naturally.
I am putting in plastic plants in both tanks. I do not understand and can kill any plant.. *laughingcryingsmiley*
I also have to turn off the lights often to keep tank cooled. The book I am reading says when lights are off and tank has plants it gives off carbon and takes oxygen.Plastic are just easier anyways.
I am just so excited about this new interest of mine and want to do things correctly.
I am putting in plastic plants in both tanks. I do not understand and can kill any plant.. *laughingcryingsmiley*
I also have to turn off the lights often to keep tank cooled. The book I am reading says when lights are off and tank has plants it gives off carbon and takes oxygen.Plastic are just easier anyways.
I am just so excited about this new interest of mine and want to do things correctly.