Air Stone

War Eagle

Small Fish
Sep 5, 2008
Cumming, Georgia
I haven't found much talk about airstones in saltwater. What are your thoughts? I'm talking inside the tank. I have a simple 14 gal cube setup so there is no skimmer or sump. Is it beneficial/ harmful? I fear it will cause more salt creep but I think my cube needs some airation. Should it be on 24/7 or just a few hours a day/ night?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
airstones are not usually used in saltwater due to the salt creep they produce. Gas exchange happens at the surface and with good powerheads creating a ripple on the surface will add all the oxygen needed. You need to make sure that the water surface is broken. Good water change regimen is important given that you don't have a sump or skimmer. Make sure that you run the change water mix overnight with a good powerhead to provide good oxygenation to the change water and you will be good to go.