Albert my Oscar


Large Fish
Oct 19, 2004
Santa ana, california
i do i do!!! i have a giant albino one. atleast i think it is, i saved it from the people that kept it in a 200gal, they took him out and he was in liek a giant bowl like thingy and was gasping for air, he's white/pinkish with bright red/orange lines i will get pics when i can find the cable to this digital camera....

He is alone in his tank at the moment. There were two Plecos in with him but they got too big so we put them in a pond outside. Don't worry, it's very warm here so the water is warm enough for them!

He gets earthworms, crickets and sometimes a platy. They are big pellets and he ate them before...

What fish do you have?

I have another tank with mostly livebearers in it. My beautiful Khuli Loaches are in there! I also have a small Glass Ghost Catfish and a Pepper cory.

Dig the worms out, real big ones! I also have 2 Sailfin Plecos, they are about 30 cm + already! TOO big for my 3 foot tank! They are in a goldfish pnd outside (Don't worry, it's warm here, the water is warm enough for them)

Wanted to throw them in the koi pond but would be really difficult come winter when I have to catch them again! Two black fish in a 13 000 litre black pond aren't the easiest thing to catch!


In my limited experience, they should be okay together, as long as the Oscar is not big enough to eat the African Cichlids of course! They should be okay I think.

What do you mean by African Cichlids? You see I live in South Africa and here we call them Malawi Cichlids because they come from Lake Malawi. I think that is what you are referring to. Nice brightly coloured fish? Blues, yellows, oranges, nice leopard-spots etc etc.

I like them very much! I also want to get some but I know they will get too big for my tank and then I will have to sell them and I don't want to do that!