One of my albino's is acting strange this morning. All it's been doing is swimming slowly around the tank. When it gets close to the sides it darts away sometimes going to the top for air. It's as if it is floating around in a daze. Doesn't look hurt or injured. I have one other albino, one bronze cory, and 3 julii cories and they are all acting fine and normal. What is going on with this one? Any advise I'd surely appreciate!
(29 gal, 4 fruit tetras, 2 red serpae tetras, 6 zebra danios, 2 male guppies, 3 julii, 1 bronze cory, 2 albino cories. I do a water change once a week and everything tests normal. Only problem I've been having is major brown algae. Can't seem to get rid of it! Water temp is 76-78 degrees)
(29 gal, 4 fruit tetras, 2 red serpae tetras, 6 zebra danios, 2 male guppies, 3 julii, 1 bronze cory, 2 albino cories. I do a water change once a week and everything tests normal. Only problem I've been having is major brown algae. Can't seem to get rid of it! Water temp is 76-78 degrees)