albino frogs


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2007
hi all. Well this is the 1st info i have read since innocently (and on impulse)buying 2 albino frogs around 6months ago they were about half an inch long when i got them.
Firstly put them on their own in a small fry tank.I fed them several times a day by hand with frozen bloodworm,and they grew and grew.
After about 3months i put them in my community tank and watched anxiously.
They diidnt get eaten infact they are thriving! I still feed them frozen bloodworm by hand every day and they are still growing and growing.
hey are now about 3inches from nose to bum,double that with legs outstretchd fully!!!!!!!!!! I know at some point in the near future i will have to put them on their own(both my danios have already vanished) but for now i have 2 very entertaining chaps in my tank! I only have 1 burning question that has puzzled me since i got them,not sure how to put this really, i have never seen them go to the toilet and there does'nt seem to be an exit hole. any ideas anyone????????????anyway thanks for reading,hope it wasnt too boring but i do love my frogs. Sam