Alert! Alert! Alert!


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Hi All!

I came home this evening to find that one of my house"mates" had been in my room and used some of my aftershave (Diesel plus plus btw its lovely) Now,I'v no problem with him being in my room and using my stuff,as where all childhood friends and share pretty much everything!

The problem is that he sprayed the aftershave right over Llyr's bowl!!!!:mad:
There was a white scum on top of the water! Whilst Llyr looked fine I knew I should act fast! So I netted the betta and put him in a bag and poped him in the 50g.

My issues with the bowl now doubled!!

I took one of the plants and the little bit of wood out of the bowl and reached back in for the other plant which I though looked "a bit sick". Well! It just fell apart in my hand! There was bits of plant and root all over the bowl!!

I decided I do a total water change. So stired up the gravel a few times and got rid of all the water. I then gave the gravel a good wash.

Llyr is back in the bowl and neither he nor the bowl have ever looked better!*thumbsup2 *phew*

But time will tell.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
That was a close call. I'm afraid I would have a few choice words for the mate. If for no other reason but to make sure he is more careful in the future.

Show him the pic of you toting the gun...that might do the trick.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Pure said:
That was a close call. I'm afraid I would have a few choice words for the mate. If for no other reason but to make sure he is more careful in the future.

Show him the pic of you toting the gun...that might do the trick.

Oh yeah I have and alot of them began with D and F and W know what I mean!*laughingc