Algae, Algae, and more Algae !!!!

Apr 4, 2009
I have a 30 gallon freshwater tank where algae in a minor problem during the winter. I do gravel once a month and a water change every 2 weeks.
Also scrub the plastic plants every month (no live plants in tank).

6 Black Phantom Tetra
1 Angelicus Botia Loach

Now in the last few weeks as the summer comes on and sun gets stronger, the algae is all over the bottom of the tank on the gravel. On the last vac (about 2 weeks ago), I got a lot of it by stirring it up during the vac; whatever remained eventually settled back to the gravel but it was acceptable. Now, it's out of control. I have closed the blinds during the day for the last 4 weeks on the windows anywhere near the tank, but there is a skylight in that room that does hit parts of it during the day.


Is it advisable to change the gravel (which has been in there for almost 4 years now)?

What else can I do? *ALL*

Thanks in advance,


BTW - I can post an image if that would be helpful? :cool:

Feb 27, 2009
If you can't prevent sunlight from hitting the tank, I would add some floating live plants to outcompete the algae. Changing the substrate will not prevent algae from growing again.

Just my 2cents.


Small Fish
Jul 3, 2009
a town in PA
not that i know a lot but look into getting a few otos they thrive on the algae and like little schools.. so maybe 3 or 4 of them.. they will suck the algae and add some silly life to your tank.. plus they'll do the walls and the plants too.. so it might even cut back on your cleaning time..

i accidentally bought 2 chinese algae eaters.. they are doing a wonderful job with the algae but i hear get aggressive and can eat fish too... so stick with a small group of otos or maybe a pleco?

just a hunch

Nov 5, 2009
live plants or a group of oto's is probably your best bet. changing all the substrate would certainly get rid of it for a while but it just masks the problem that algae thrives in your tank. i would personally go with the oto's.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
if you cant stop the sunlight from getting in , you may want to increase your vac and waterchange schedule.i do weekly vac and water changes. but the best way to stop most of the algae is to stop the direct sunlight on your tank.