Algae bloom or cloudy water - help!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hmmm, maybe a stupid question, my waters gone a lot green and cloudy.  How do I tell if its just particles in suspension (cloudy) or an algae bloom?  The treatments for the two are pretty different and I want to get it right.  
The tank is 55 gal, no real plants, 400W Tube on 6 Hours a day, UG and External filtration.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
i guess u can put a water sample into a microscope and see hehei don't know any other way to tell but when i had an algae bloom two weeks ago i put some water into my white buckeet it's green so most likely it's green water but when i look at it throuhg my tank it's cloudy i dunno if i'm right on this but if the waters just cloudy it should settle down after a few hours u can try leaving the lightss off for a few days and see if that clears things up if it don't then try the method to clear cloudy water

also isn't 400wtts a bit much for a 55gal?