Algae eater for tanganyikans?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey all...have a couple of questions I've been pondering and wondering if you can help out

I have a 29G tank with some rock caves that originally had 5 pairs of little tanganyikans. That has since changed...and now the stock is: 2 julidochromis trascriptus (gotta be a male and a female...they are so different in size), 1 neolamprologus cylindricus, 1 altolamprologus compressiceps...and as far as I can tell about 15 juvenile brichardis (most are only a couple weeks old...a couple that are a few months old), plus the two adult brichardi. None of these fish are that old...I put the tank up last summer, so its been less than a year.

Two questions. Easy one first. I put an apple snail in the tank to try and take care of this brown algae issue that has recently sprung up. In my other tanks this isn't a problem...I just put an otto in and wa-la its gone. However...the snail isn't taking care of it and seeing the way that these fish treat each other I dont want to put an otto on there for fear of his life. I'd REALLY rather not scrub this algae off myself...but can anyone reccomend something that will take care of it that my cichlids wont terrorize??

Second question is a little more "can I get your opinion". I knew nothing about these fish until I did some research and asked around. The ones I picked I sorta picked to see how they'd do and hoping that I wouldn't get any m/f pairs. SO much for that...the rabbits of the group were m/f. Then I decided that the brichardis were kinda pretty so we'd see how that worked out. So far so good...except they took over half of the tank, that was sorta to be expected. Well now the 'new babies' have worn off their welcome and I'm trying to decide what to do with the tank and how I might be able to incorporate any of my existing fish into a plan. I love the comp and if I had to pick one I think he's my favorite. The cylindricus kinda keeps to itself in one of the caves and peeks its head out now and again...seems to be doing well. The julies I really like too, but between them and the brichardis its like two feuding families...and I'm wondering maybe what would happen if I just took all the brichardis out and added a couple more julies...if that would work.

Anyway...I'd love to hear some of your opinions how you'd redo the tank...ONLY using tanganyikan cichlids. Can't change the size of the tank :) Stuck with the 29. I have a wonderful LFS that specializes in she can pretty much get me whatever I ask for.

Thanks in advance.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Bristle nose plecos come to mind. They are a favorate to keep in with tanganikians for a couple of reasons.

They do eat algae (not sure about the brown algae)
They are tough little guys able to withstand the nature of the cichlids quite well
They stay small, with most of the species topping out at around 5-6 inches
Easy to breed. But, thats more of a moot point in your tank ;)

As for your stock, I say either get rid of the brichardi, or get rid of everything else. And if the julies start breeding with the brichardi breeding in the same tank, I think you would end up with a mess on your hands.

I have had people tell me of reports that Julidochromis dickfeldi has been known to colony breed. That was a big factor in getting these for myself. I can't say from experince if its true or not just yet, as mine are way to young to even think about breeding just yet. Getting these would require you to give up the transcriptus (I think thats what julie you have)

Or you could just leave well enough alone and see if you do have a pair with the two you have. If you do have a pair, then adding more could potentaly weaken the pair bond, or worse they see the new comers as threats and kill them. So for the julies, keep what you have, or get all new ones. IMO anyway.

I have heard of several peopel keeping cyprichromis leptosoma (not the jumbo types) in 29 gallon tanks before. I have had no experince with cyps, so I couldnt tell you much. But they are open water swimmers. They will stay out in the open twords the top of the tank. The males are brilliantly colored, and the females a bit more drab. They are mouthbrooders, and have to be in schools of at least 6-8. Like I said, I have heard of people keeping them in tanks that small, but it may not be very wise to do so.

Good luck, and you could always get a bigger tank. :p

(Froggy, I pretty much have the stand done. Still getting it good and level. And I managed not to cut any of my fingers off. :D)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Thanks Orion. I will have to do some looking around my lfs's again, but I've never seen a bristlenose around here.

I didn't think about that with breeding and the julies I have, thanks I'll have to keep that in mind. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Anyone have an opinion on what would happen if I put a normal pleco in there that was a few inches long, with the intention of taking it back to the lfs after it hit 6 inches or so? (I have one lfs who suggested this and is willing to take the pleco back when it gets too big)

I do have plans to get a 55 and move the tanganyikans into the 55 so I can make the 29 a community tank...but thus far they're only plans. I have to figure out if I'm staying in this house or going to have to move this summer before I can think seriously about rearranging my tanks.

I'm wondering if I should just get the brichardis outta there and take them to my lfs. She might trade me for some food (which I need to go get some more) cyprichromis leptosoma are gorgeous...but I dont remember seeing them anywhere around here. I'll make a point to look and see what she has. Maybe I'll head over there in a few if I feel like driving in the snow...

(PS Glad to hear you still have all your digits lol We want pictures! ;) )


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
I have been wondering about the same question. I just set-up a tank of mbunas for my folks and I will need to get an algae eater in there soon. I did some reading and I believe a lot people use common plecs in african tanks. Maybe if you did upgrade to a 55 you wouldn't have to take him back!! I don't really know how fast plecs grow but I bet you could get away with it for awhile.