Algae eater ideas


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
My friend has a 10 gallon tank with guppies in it, Im not sure how many, but she wants an algae eater. I don't know a lot about algae eaters but most I have seen get really big, is there a good one that will stay small, like around 5 inches or less? Also that will get along with the guppies, no bully fish.

I have a chinese algae eater in my tank, but I know that's not the right one for her. I do have a few questions about it. I've never had problems with my plants before, but lately I have been finding holes in the leaves, I'm guessing that the cae is the culprit? I feed him algae wafers which he just loves, what other things might he enjoy eating? I guess that it, thanks for any suggestions.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
An oto algae eater is her best bet. When I first started up my 10 gal. it was overloaded with algae. I tossed one oto in there and within a week he had it completely under control. They are cute and stay little - under 2". I've never seen any of mine bother the other fish, in fact, they completely ignore anything that isn't covered with algae. They are very dedicated little workers. :) Also, unlike other algae eaters, they don't stop eating algae as they get older and they don't poop nearly as much.

Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Otocinclus Catfish

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Lakea said:
is there a good one that will stay small, like around 5 inches or less? Also that will get along with the guppies, no bully fish.
i have not known any plecos that bully fish. but plecos can get big. for a small pleco i would reccomend the bristlenose pleco (stays around 5-6 inches i believe) but otos are really good and tiny. they can have some requirements that have no room for error.

Sep 11, 2005
I personally suggest an army of otos and SAEs. Each one will eat types of algae the other doesn't - so by keeping both, you cover all bases.

In fact the only time that I "cheat" in my biotopes is by keeping those fish. I consider the otos as Amazonian ambassadors of good algae eating will to my Asian tank, and vice versa for the SAEs.