Hey everyone, i Have a 32 Gal. Malawi Cichlid tank. The fish i have are in my signature. I also have a sand substrate, and no plants just slate rock(i heard cichlids don't like plants just like rock, especially types of slate.
Now to the point, i wanted to know what kind of algea eater would be good for this kind of tank, something other than oto's because i've had a horrible time with them, and other than a common pleco, because i've had problems with them too.
Well thanks for everyone's help!*PEACE!*
Now to the point, i wanted to know what kind of algea eater would be good for this kind of tank, something other than oto's because i've had a horrible time with them, and other than a common pleco, because i've had problems with them too.
Well thanks for everyone's help!*PEACE!*